Fiber optic internet is widely regarded as the top choice. But for some, it’s easier to stay with their current internet. We get it! It can be a hassle to switch over, especially with companies who make you jump through hoops to get out of your contract. Even still, you may be experiencing issues that… Read more »
The Evolution Of CCTV
Each piece of technology has humble origins- even our most modern inventions today will seem comically behind the times in the future! This is a great sign that technology is always evolving to meet the demands of humanity. CCTV is widely used throughout businesses and homes alike. And while now we know it as a… Read more »
How To Ensure Your Company Is Protected
No matter what your business is, you want to ensure your information and assets are protected. Protection doesn’t just mean security guards- total protection includes cybernetic and asset protection! Below are some tips for protecting your business, employees, clients, and your information! Cybersecurity Cybersecurity. The word alone brings images of people in black turtlenecks typing… Read more »
What to Do If Your Network Isn’t Reliable
Nothing is more frustrating than being on a video call and having laggy video or trying to enjoy your show and having a constantly buffering video. Sometimes, our network signal isn’t reliable, leading to the above issues and slower load times. It can be frustrating when you’re paying for a service that is underperforming! Whether… Read more »
Reasons to Upgrade Your Video Network Cabling
As more jobs continue to have work from home, and more schools switch to a hybrid system of teaching, video network cabling is more important than ever. Unfortunately, most people know the feeling of going on a video call and either seeing a pixilated screen with a glitchy voice, or, being the pixilated screen with… Read more »
How to Keep Your Network Cables Organized
Having an organized system for your cables is not only incredibly helpful, but it is paramount for maintaining a chaos-free environment. There are a few different ways to keep cables organized, but below are the top three ways to ensure that your network cables stay organized! Label Everything It’s important to label each cable on… Read more »
Top Reasons to Utilize CCTV for your Business
Closed Circuit Television, or CCTV, is a security system that is incredibly important to businesses. There are many reasons why it is essential, but if you need more convincing, below is the main reason to utilize CCTV in your business. Protection Protection is the main reason people choose to install CCTV for their business. There are… Read more »
How Fiber Optic Cables Are Repaired
There are many benefits that come with fiber optics, and sometimes things happen that can cause your fiber optics to need to be repaired. Whether it is that the cables get pulled too tightly or they just become damaged, fiber optics are fragile. Though the fragility of fiber optics is an important factor, it should… Read more »
Tips for Puling Fiber Optic Cables
With the many benefits of installing Fiber Optic, it’s hard to find a downfall. However, there is one thing to be careful of: their fragility. While fiber optics are more flexible, which is a positive thing, it also means that they are susceptible to breakage and damage. Don’t worry! There are still many benefits, and… Read more »
Copper Vs. Fiber Optics
When it comes to copper cable and fiber optic internet, you may be unsure of which to go with, if given the option. Or perhaps you’re looking into upgrading to fiber optics, but are unsure of the benefits or the difference. There is a lot of information on the internet, and some of it isn’t… Read more »